From De Echo to DDB to Saatchi & Saatchi to UbachsWisbrun to Ei van Ubachs
We proudly present our second POSSEN hero; Wim Ubachs. Longtime and talented award-winning heart and soul adversingman who lives for the art of seduction.

After working more than three decades for world-class clients from the best advertising agencies in the world - some of them co-founded by Wim himself - Amsterdam-based Wim Ubachs now works as a strategic creative director on new top-notch advertising projects.
Check out some advertising jewels in his portfolio here.

Wim combines his love for music with his passion for advertising also moving into filmmaking. And always with the flair of sprezzatura, obviously also reflected in his seemingly effortless, yet well-thought and cut-to-the-bone wardrobe from the POSSEN Soft Tailoring collection. This collection offers the ultimate in lightweight unconstructed tailoring for sublime comfort. A sportive style for the sweet spot between formal and casual wear. Soft, alive, full of character and - as said - seemingly effortless. Check out Wim’s personal POSSEN collection.

Visit our Soul of Style section for an exclusive interview with Wim Ubachs.